Big bags can carry your everyday essentials from calling cards to an extra pair of shoes. Captivated by big size, ladies usually prefer to carry along big bags because they are very functional. You can just grab and drop in all the things than you need. Most of all, it does not ruin your dressy ensemble whenever you go to the office, party or just anywhere that you want to. Big bags finishes any look and completes your outfit in a very stylish way.
There are only a few women that feels comfortable walking around without carrying bags. Bags are second-nature to women. Maybe, it all burns down to these advantages of having big bags:
- Everything in one place. Makeups, accessories and any others, women carry many things at once. So, instead of checking the essential things daily, you got get all wrapped up in one bag. No need to worry if you left something behind.
- Too huge to lose. Yes, who could ever lose huge things? You can forget where you placed your clutch, coin purse or cellphones because of their tiny size but, never a huge bag.
- Space is available. Small bags are so difficult to dig in. You have to get everything out before you can get that small mirror at the bottom. You will never have to do that with big bags.
- There is a place to hide. Sometimes, you get tempted to pick a cute little dress from the store on your way home. To cover up your shopping sin, you can hide the dress inside the bag. There are a lot of space actually. You can even hide 2 to three dresses if you know how to fold effectively.
- Carry along your plan after work. If you have ladies’ night out after work, carrying your outfit to the office is not a problem. Your bag can save you from your extra-curricular baggage.
Everything has disadvantages and advantages, just like having a bag. So, think well if these disadvantages can really ruin your relationship with your big bag:
- Digging in is a must. Your things have the tendency to wobble and get rumbled inside the bag. You have to find it and dig. Of course, it takes a lot of time to do that. You might be left out by the train or taxi while still digging in.
- Pick-pockets. Pick-pockets love to target big bags because most of them do not have zippers. Also, you will not notice it they slash your back from behind you.
Famous big bag brands are always an eye-catcher. You can choose from any of the following styles and brands to complete your chic look:
- Victoria’s Secret Handbag. This is a black and pink stripped bag with casual look. It is best for beach or just grabbing a coffee around the corner.
- Burberry huge bag. This is a classic stripped bag that you can carry from the office to party.
- MK white huge bag. White never goes out of style. Pair it with dress you wear. It Is always a standout.
Big bags are functional as well as stylish accessories that you can carry along for any occasion!