Trying out different types of designs using a Paracord can be really interesting as it gives an opportunity to test your creativity. Now when you have innumerable knotting techniques, the number of designs or patterns you could prepare is endless. Paracords are used to make bracelets, belts, dog collars, etc. One of the other popular items that can be made using a paracord is the keychains. There are basic essentials that you need if you are going to try your luck at undertaking any Paracord Keychain project. They are:
Paracord Keychains Project Requirements
How to Make Paracord Keychains?
It does need decent amount of work for creating any of the designs you see below. The detailed instructions can truly make the process a lot easier for creating the respective patterns yourself. In case you have tried working with paracords before, then you do have the advantage of learning the knotting trick quickly.
Paracord Keychain: How to Make?
The paracord enthusiasts who wish to take the level of creativity above the average or the simple versions, this tutorial is quite interesting. However, this is strictly recommended to be tried by the experts.
Snake Knot Paracord Keychain DIY
Step by Step Instructions for Making Paracord Keychain Lanyard
Making the Paracord Carabiner Keychain
Trying different colored lanyards can be used to create vibrant keychains. This might also be done by using a single color.
The knotted extensions make this design neater and even more attractive. Try it, it’s not as difficult as it may seem when you look at the end product.
Paracord Lanyard Keychain: How to Make?
Creating this multicoloured paracord in colors such as orange or lemon yellow, is ideal to add an eye captivating impression when you carry your keychain. Adding other colors like blue and gray can add an extra texture to the entire look.
Monkey Fist Paracord Keychain: How to Make?
Attaching a cute little monkey to your keychain adds the aspect of funkiness to your keychain. The step by step tutorial above can help in utilising the small paracord knot.
The number of patterns you might experiment with is endless and by using various paracords one can make some comparatively amazing keychains. The tutorial above definitely makes the process a lot easier.
The grenade keychain made using the paracord is worth treasuring as when worked out well, you will be excited to flaunt and show it when you move around. People would definitely lay eyes on the very 1st instance they see it.
Red is a color that goes pretty well with most of the handmade accessories and it certainly adds a charm to your creations. Having a keychain that is bright would certainly enhance the look and show off the creativity within you.
This is a simple project where the method of cross weave is used but would only appeal if created by using two contrasting colors. Each would complement the other.
The project above will take some good amount of time and can be used for multiple purposes. A cross can be attached to the key ring that will certainly look stylish. Wearing a trendy pendant will further add to the aspect of personalization to the project.
This design here can be made using the paracord as it is quite functional with the presence of a secret compartment.
How to Make a Paracord Keychain?
Using a 2.5 meters paracord, it is easy to make a simple yet light keychain by using different kinds of colors. Making it and gifting that to your friends would certainly be a great idea for a personalized gift.
Basic Paracord Keychain Tutorial
Inspired from the rainbow, the keychain is particularly famous amongst girls. In any case, if one picks the darker color, it can be a great option for boys too.
This is a simple paracord keychain that can be worked with various elements. You need to get a grip on the basics to make sure these come out to look amazingly appealing.
The above tutorials and patterns are definitely going to meet the needs and tastes of different people. However, if you still wish to check out more, we have some more patterns below to take inspiration from.
550 Cord Keychain Instructions